Causes of Dry Eye

Some people suffer from a condition called “dry eye syndrome.” The cause of the condition must be identified. Some of the common causes for the condition include:

  • Aging
  • Hormonal changes
  • Certain medications
  • Contact lenses
  • Air quality (humidity, cold, wind)
  • Certain medical conditionsInflammation

Dry Eye Symptoms

The uncomfortable symptoms of dry eye (or “dry eyes”) most often affects both of your eyes. You may be experiencing one or several of these symptoms:

  • Stinging
  • Burning
  • A scratchy sensation
  • Light sensitivity
  • Red, irritated eyes
  • Sensation that you have something on your eye
  • Contact lenses are very uncomfortable
  • Watery eyes
  • Blurred vision
  • Eye fatigue
  • Night driving problems
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Why Tears Matter for Healthy Eyes

Tears are an important part of eye health and allow for the smooth, comfortable movement of the lids across the eyeball. This lubrication protects the eye structure from inflammation. Made up of a combination of oil, water, and mucus, if any of these three ingredients are reduced or missing, the eyes become dry and irritated.

For well-lubricated eyes, the tear glands and oil glands must be functioning as nature intended. People who have a condition called blepharitis in which the edge of the eyelids are inflamed are prone to develop dry eye. Some other skin disorders can also affect tear production, such as rosacea.

Aging and Dry Eyes

An unfortunate fact of life is that as we age, our tear production becomes less and less. Many people aged 50 and older begin to suffer from dry, irritated eyes. You may have already made a habit of applying commercial eye drops to stay comfortable – but is there a more serious condition? Only a comprehensive eye exam can identify what is causing your dry eye – and we are here to help.

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Women and Dry Eye

Women develop dry eyes at a higher rate than men, which is attributed to the hormonal changes of pregnancy, menopause, or the use of birth control pills. If you are one of the many women who are suffering with this condition, it is important that you get your eyes evaluated by a skilled ophthalmologist at the Waring Vision Institute.

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The Risks of Untreated Dry Eye

If your eyes are dry, you are at higher risk of developing more serious eye conditions and diseases, including:

  • Eye infections
  • Damaged eye surface, potentially permanent
  • Trouble driving, reading or other life activity

Dry Eyes Treatment: We Serve Myrtle Beach and Columbia

The Waring Vision Institute is the premier eye treatment center in the Charleston area. Dr. George Waring is recognized as a leader in field of ophthalmology and is consistently engaged in the development of better treatments for a range of eye diseases and conditions. He offers his clients the latest advancements in technology, including LipiFlow treatments. We invite you to schedule an eye exam and get the correct treatment for dry eye and ensure there is no other dangerous underlying condition that could more severely impact your vision in the future.

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Evaporative Dry Eye

One of the most common forms of “dry eye” is called “evaporative dry eye.” This is a condition in which the tears evaporate more quickly due to a reduced level of oil in tears to lubricate the eyes. Called Meibomian Gland Dysfunction, or MGD, this condition could be the result of a block in the gland in the eyelids that produces this critical oil. Our groundbreaking treatment restores the function of these glands, and takes only moments to perform.

How the LipiFlow System Works

The innovative LipiFlow system works by combining heat with massage to liquefy blockages in the oil-producing gland. It is a non-invasive treatment that has been found to produce impressive results for many clients suffering from dry eye.

The procedure itself involves placing a small eye-shaped piece over the surface of the eye. The piece emanates heat towards the eyelids while protecting the eye itself. The device has an added piece which pulsates, squeezing the lids to open a blocked oil gland.

What to Expect: The LipiFlow Treatment

Prior to your LipiFlow treatment, you will be required to do the following:

  • If you wear contact lenses, they must be removed at least four hours before your treatment.
  • No artificial “tears” or any type of eyedrops can be applied 24 hours before treatment.
  • No eyelid ointments or creams can be applied 24 hours prior to your appointment.
  • Other oil-based prescription medications (such as Restasis) cannot be applied 24 hours prior to your appointment.
  • You will have to avoid swimming in a chlorinated pool at least 12 hours before your appointment.
  • For women, all makeup must be fully removed.
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Let's talk about Dry Eye

The LipiFlow Treatment

The treatment is fast, and involves these steps:

  • You will be comfortably resting on a reclining treatment chair. Your eyes will be numbed with mild anesthetic drops. Prior to treatment, you will have a quick treatment to remove any eye debris that has accumulated on the edges of your lids.
  • The treatment device will be placed over your eye (or over both eyes) and you will close your eyes so the treatment can be initiated.
  • The treatment begins and you will feel a warm sensation and a slight pressure on your lids. The procedure involves two six-minute cycles which include the heat emitting aspect, followed by pulsing and then pressure.
  • This is essentially a pain-free procedure.
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Benefits of LipiFlow for Dry Eye

This non-invasive, pain-free treatment has proven to be one of the most exciting and effective innovations to treat dry eye.

The benefits include the following:

  • Virtually painless
  • Non-invasive
  • Fast treatment – 12 minutes

If you are suffering the symptoms of dry eye and struggle to keep your eyes feeling comfortable, constantly adding eye drops or trying prescription medications to resolve the condition, you may be a candidate for LipiFlow. If your condition is related to insufficient oil to lubricate your eyes, this treatment has been established to be effective and can produce a dramatic improvement within about four weeks.

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