Effective Treatment for Keratoconus and Post-LASIK Ectasia

Clients with progressive keratoconus or post-LASIK ectasia (a rare side effect of laser eye surgery) may be excellent candidates for this treatment. Called “CXL,” the procedure can resolve the advance of vision loss associated with corneal degeneration. As the collagen structure within the eye weakens in keratoconus, the cornea develops a cone-like shape. Keratoconus typically develops between the ages of 10 to 20 years of age, with many clients discovering the condition as vision rapidly worsens. The progression naturally stops advancing when clients are in their 40s.

Treatment to Halt the Progression of KC

CXL treatment is most often used to halt the progression of keratoconus. While many clients may achieve improved eyesight, this is a secondary goal of the procedure. CXL works to strengthen the collagen layer in a section of the cornea (called stroma) through a specialized procedure in which the eye is “soaked” with a solution of riboflavin and then exposed to UV light. The treated eye is often bandaged with a specialized contact lens which is later removed. You will be given several eyedrops to apply during the day at intervals during recovery.

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Candidates for Corneal Cross Linking

Keratoconus is not a rare condition. The frequency of the disease is estimated to be one in every thousand people. Most often, keratoconus starts in childhood, typically between the ages of 10 and 25 years of age. Vision tends to worsen at varying speeds – but often quickly - with the disease progressing until reaching the forties. A younger person who is suffering with progressive keratoconus should be evaluated to determine if CXL is an appropriate treatment to halt the advance of the disease. Some clients who have experienced problems after LASIK surgery may also be candidates.

FDA Approved Treatment: Corneal Cross Linking

While corneal cross linking has been used as an effective treatment in Europe for years, FDA approval for CXL to treat keratoconus and post-LASIK ectasia was only achieved in April of 2016.

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CXL Treatment: What to Expect

The treatment itself is very easy to tolerate and essentially pain-free. The procedure involves the following steps:

  • You will be placed in a reclined position for the procedure.
  • Riboflavin drops are initiated.
  • You will be tested to determine if a sufficient quantity of riboflavin has been absorbed.
  • Anti-inflammatory and antibiotic drops are prescribed, which you will apply on a specific schedule during healing.
  • The thickness of your cornea will be checked, and the UV light applied for a specific length of time, which can be up to 30 minutes.
  • A bandage contact lens may be applied to protect the eye’s surface.

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How Does Corneal Cross Linking Work?

The treatment involves applying liquid vitamin B12 (riboflavin) to the cornea, followed by exposure to UV light. This procedure strengthens the collagen fibers in the eye so they will no longer continue to shift into the cone-like shape associated with keratoconus. Dr. George Waring IV has been involved in research studies to improve the CXL procedure, testing new riboflavin formulations and using the most advanced CXL treatments. Dr. Waring and Dr. DeCourcey offer Waring Vision clients a full range of the most advanced treatments for keratoconus and ectasia in a luxurious, state-of-the-art eye clinic serving clients throughout the areas of Charleston, Myrtle Beach, Columbia, and the surrounding communities.

What is Keratoconus?

One out of every 2,000 people are estimated develop keratoconus, or “KC” during a lifetime. Often found in young people, KC is an eye condition in which the cornea has become misshapen. The cornea is the clear surface on the eye and refracts light as it enters. In an eye with keratoconus, the cornea bulges into a cone-like protrusion, distorting vision.

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Client Education: Cross-Linking for Progressive Keratoconus

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Advanced Keratoconus Treatment in Charleston, SC

While keratoconus often starts in the teens, as it progresses, the person may have advancing nearsightedness, astigmatism, or suffer from light sensitivity. One of the early signs of keratoconus is a lens prescription that changes every time the client visits an optometrist.

Early Symptoms of Keratoconus

The early symptoms for KC vary from client to client. Common indications that you (or your child) may be developing this dangerous eye condition include:

  • Mildly blurred vision
  • Distorted vision (wavy, bent)
  • Light sensitivity
  • Red eyes
  • Swelling

Later Stage Symptoms of Keratoconus

As the condition moves into the a more advanced stage, these common symptoms may appear:

  • Vision very blurry
  • Extremely distorted vision
  • Nearsightedness becoming worse
  • Frequently changing lens prescription
  • Cannot wear contacts comfortably
  • Astigmatism worsening
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Keratoconus Treatment

Depending upon the stage of the KC, various treatments are available. In the early stages soft contact lenses can be helpful, but as the condition progresses, it becomes impossible to wear these lenses. At the Waring Vision Institute, we use the most advanced techniques and treatments for keratoconus, and skilled ophthalmologist Dr. George Waring is responsible for contributing to many of the latest generation treatments for a range of eye conditions and diseases. He and his team of medical professional provides the most advanced treatments, including being actively involved in developing more effective treatments for keratoconus.

You may be a candidate for one of the following treatments:

  • Corneal ring segments
  • Corneal crosslinking
  • Iontophoretic delivery of riboflavinIntraocular lenses
  • Laser correction
  • Hybrid contact lenses
  • Gas permeable lenses
  • Piggyback contact lenses
  • Scleral and semi-scleral contact lenses
  • Corneal insertsKeratoplasty

Custom Treatment for Keratoconus

Your eyes and vision are extremely important, and how it is treated can make the difference between clear vision and an advancing level of vision loss. You deserve to have access to the latest generation of treatments for KC and to be fully confident in the ophthalmologist treating your condition. At the Waring Vision Institute in Charleston, we offer our clients customized treatment plans to restore vision and ward of the advancement of KC.

Premier Eye Clinic for KC: Serving Myrtle Beach, Columbia, and Other Communities

Any person struggling with progressive keratoconus will want the most effective, modern treatment. At the Waring Vision Institute, we are consistently engaged in the research and development of treatments for KC and a range of other eye conditions.

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Make an Appointment at Waring Vision to Treat KC

We urge you to schedule an appointment to find out the latest generation of treatment options to help you retain or restore your vision if keratoconus has affected your ability to see clearly. We treat young people and adults with KC and are known as the premier eye health clinic serving the area.

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