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Family Man --> Sitting Down With… George O. Waring IV, Associate Professor of Ophthalmology and Director of Refractive Surgery, Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) Storm Eye Institute, Medical Director, MUSC Magill Vision Center, and Adjunct Assistant Professor...
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How to Present RLE to Patients in Three Simple Steps --> What was once a challenging patient consultation for refractive surgery can now be streamlined. During the past decade, my colleagues' and my approach to educating patients on their conditions and our understanding...
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Another grateful patient of Dr. George O. Waring IV --> Another Satisfied and grateful patient of Dr. George O. Waring IV. She has regained her sight and it is now better than 20/20. This is a Christmas present that keeps on giving each day!...
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Cataract and Refractive Surgery Today’s Best of 2014 --> Dr. Waring lectures on dysfunctional lens syndrome, named by Cataract and Refractive Surgery Today’s Best of 2014 Cataract Charleston SC...
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Dr. George O. Waring IV being presented with the 2014 Distinguished Lans Award from the international Society of Refractive Surgery --> Dr. George O. Waring IV being presented with the 2014 Distinguished Lans Award from the international Society of Refractive Surgery ...
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Dr. George O. Waring IV’s most recent peer reviewed paper was published in the Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery February 2014 Issue. --> Cataract Charleston SC...
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A Good Look at Cataract Eye Surgery and Eye Health with Dr. George Waring IV --> Cataracts has become the leading cause of blindness in aging adults over 40 in the United States. Cataracts is a gradual opaque cloud that forms over the eye, causing vision to seem foggy. This mis...
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Dr. Waring on the cover of Ocular Surgery News Today --> LASIK Charleston SC...
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Dr. George O. Waring IV, MD FACS and his wife Dr. Karolinne Maia Rocha, MD PhD talk about the role of Adaptive Optics in Ophthalmology in the March/April 2014 Issue of MillennialEye --> Using Adaptive Optics Technology to Enhance Vision ...
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Dr. George Waring IV, MD FACS won best paper of the session for his work in crosslinking at the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS) Annual Meeting in Boston! --> Cataract Charleston SC...
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